How to chair a condo board meeting

Condo board meetings aren’t only a regulatory requirement; they’re also crucial in fulfilling the board’s mandate i.e. to serve the interests of the condominium corporation and ensure adherence to all the by-laws.

The specific number of meetings each year is outlined in the condominium’s by-laws so it can vary. However, there must be at least one annual general meeting (AGM) where outgoing directors are replaced with new ones via a democratic voting process as well as to review the progress made in the previous year.

Chairing a Condo Board Meeting

Condo board meetings deserve respect and importance. That’s why it’s essential to prepare for them in advance and have clear condo board meeting agendas in place.

Before the Condo Board Meeting

Decide on a meeting date well in advance so that all members have prior notice

Giving board members advance notice helps them make a note of it in their personal schedules and avoid any scheduling conflict that might arise. If you tell board members about the meeting with an hours notice, it’s not only contrary to the condo’s by-laws but makes it very difficult to expect all of them to attend. It is suggested to make the monthly board meetings the same day each month.  For example, the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Communicate a clear agenda

The Property Manager normally prepares the condo board meeting agenda. This is a detailed description of the business to be carried out at the meeting. Agendas help board members prepare for the meeting and gives them time to do their research into any matters that may come before the meeting.  If a board member would like anything specific to discuss that may require a resolution, it would be prudent to advise the Property Manager so that it may be added to the agenda.

Appoint a recording secretary to take notes or ‘minutes’

Minutes of the condo board meeting is vital to ensure alignment and transparency — these outline meeting details such as who said what, and which resolutions were approved.  It is suggested that a 3rd party recording secretary be appointed to carry out this task.

Book a meeting space

If the condominium has available space for holding a meeting, then it should be made available or booked well in advance. Otherwise, confirm if it will be held at a director’s unit or at another nearby convenient location

Circulate copies of all previous communication, minutes, financial statements, reports, etc

Previous communication helps board members with their research and factors in the key takeaways from prior meetings.  In addition, the circulation of the minutes and financial statements which shall be approved at the meeting are important.  Your property manager should be circulating these items to the directors.  Finally, your property manager should be circlulating an in-dept property management report to the directors as well.

Further Reading

6 Must Haves in a Condominium Welcome Package

Changes to Condo Law in Ontario’s Property Management Regulations

How to Know if You Have an Excellent Property Manager

Arrange for food and snacks

Board meetings can go on for a long time, so, at the minimum, there should be arrangements for coffee, tea, and water. You can take it a step further and provision for some snacks so no one’s in a rush to end the meeting due to hunger.

Make sure there is a functioning projector/laptop available

Projectors and laptops assist if there’s a presentation on a new project or an analysis of an existing one. Visual information helps participants stay engaged and focused on the task at hand.

how to chair a condo board meetingPhoto: Pexels

Importance of Quorum

Quorum is the minimum number of meeting attendees. This can range from two to five individuals depending on the size of the condominium unit and its by-laws. A condo board meeting cannot proceed without this minimum number, which is why it’s important to communicate it well in advance.

During the Meeting

Start by calling the meeting to order

The condo board president or appointee should start the meeting once there are enough members present. The secretary can take attendance.

Review the agenda to refresh things that might be unclear

Next up, there should be a quick run through of the agenda to ensure everyone’s on the same page.

Discuss through the various motions and call a vote

The board president is required to follow the agenda and call for a vote on all the outlined motions. The secretary is expected to tally the vote results and record it in the meeting minutes.

Refrain from using personal devices and don’t treat the meeting as a social call

This is fairly self-explanatory. Hundreds of condominium residents depend on the course of action the board adopts so all members must exhibit professionalism.

Be respectful of differing point of views and avoid interruptions

Board members must not speak over one another. Professionalism is, and differing points of view only add vibrancy to the discussion. If you feel something is vague, ask for clarification.

Adjourn the meeting when everything on the agenda is discussed

The meeting is over after discussion of all the review items and mandatory voting.

After the Meeting

Circulate the minutes to all directors

The secretary of the board is responsible for circulating the minutes, however, normally the property manager does this.

Display results of the vote and next steps prominently on condo information areas

Condominium residents deserve to know the next steps or major changes to their building. All updates should be transparent.  This can be communicated via email, newsletter or posted on the condominiums’ communication software program.

Example of Condo Board Meeting Minutes

Condo board meeting minutes don’t have to follow a fixed template. But, at the minimum, the person recording the discussion should take note the following things:

  • Date and location of the meeting
  • Members present
  • Motions put forward, mover and seconder
  • Amendments to motions
  • Log the person speaking, exact words, and vote tabulation
  • Outcome

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